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الخميس، 30 أبريل 2015

Holy remains By St. Jerome

Holy remains

By St. Jerome

Vigilantios say: Why accept and glorify the remains wrapped in cloth? He also says in the same book: see pagan ceremonies conducted in churches under the cloak of religion, and a lot of candles glow while the sun still shines, and everywhere we see little of the powder fiddling coiled in precious cloth is kissing him and worship him!

What is this madness ?! Who is this who worship the martyrs before? Who is this that humans by the gods?
What did Paul and Barnabas, when the people of Lycaonia thought they Zeus and Hermes, and they wanted to slaughter them, pain Amozka their clothes and announced they were mere mortals (Acts 14). Are understood they not are not the best of Zeus and Hermes - who were mere mortals died long ago - but because the era of dignity due to God was providing for them because of the misconceptions of the Gentiles. We read the same thing for Peter, when Cornelius worshiped him, saying, Arise, set up by Peter am a man (Acts 10).

And you, how dare Vigilantios speaking this way about the mysterious thing that holds in a bowl (tube) and glorifies?
What is this you call him something ?!
Tell us more clarity What do you mean with "a bit of powder wrapped in cloth in expensive in a small bowl."

These are the remains of the martyrs who Mgtaza see you because of it, being covered with a veil expensive, and not violating or cloth or hair lying in the rubble.

If Are we guilty of sacrilege when we enter the churches of the apostles that contains the remains ?!

Was Emperor Constantine guilty of sacrilege when the sacred remains were transferred to Andrew the Apostle, and Luke and Timothy to the city of Constantinople?

The Devils in the presence of the remains of saints scream, static and demons in Vigilantios admits that she feels the impact of the saints.

In the present day, is the Emperor Arcadius guilty of sacrilege when the transfer of the bones of the holy Prophet Samuel from Judaism to Thrace? Are all bishops consider them not only Mdensen sanctities, but also ridiculous because they carried that thing which has no value, dust and ashes, wrapped in silk in golden utensils? Are all the people who in all the churches are fools because they went to Astqubloa holy remains, and welcomed them with great joy as if they see a prophet alive in the midst of them, so there was a great gathering one of the people of Palestine to Khalikaddonah, chanting with one voice Altmadjad of Christ? They were really wander by Samuel and not Christ directly, but Samuel was a priest and a prophet of Christ.

You appear to think badly because you only think about the dead body, and then paddling.
I read the Bible: "I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. God is not a God of the dead but of the living" (Matthew 22). If they were alive, they are not Mahvozin in solitary Sharif, according to your phrase.
As you say that dwelling lives of the apostles and martyrs either in the bosom of Abraham or in a position to enjoy, or under the altar of God, and can not afford to leave their graves own, and presence in places where they wanted ... but Mahvozin away free in an honor guard in the blessed heavenly islands.

Do you put God's law? Do you put the apostles in chains? Vtjolhm rest in reserve until the Day of Judgment, and not with their Lord, although it is written about them: "follow the Lamb wherever he goes" (Rev 14). If the lamb is present everywhere, The same thing should be done with respect to the belief of those who in Meith. While wandering the devil and his soldiers in the entire world, and quickly awesome attending themselves everywhere, he is being held martyrs - after spilling their blood - out of sight and closes them in a coffin, which it can not escape ?!

You say in your brochure, that as long as we are alive we can pray for each other, but what we die can be any prayers that you hear not, this happens because of martyrs in spite of their cry to seek revenge for their blood, but their students have not responded yet (Rev 6) .

If the apostles and martyrs while they are still in the flesh can pray for others - at a time when they were still worried about themselves - how they can do so with the most after they won their crowns and overpowering and won?

The one man is Moses gets from God to pardon the six hundred thousand armed men (Ex. 23), and Stephen - who followed his master and the first Christian martyr - seek forgiveness for his persecutors, is after they entered into life with Christ be with them less than the power before?

Apostle Paul says that the souls in the ship has endowed him, the two hundred and seventy-six breaths (Acts 27), is after its dissolution to be with Christ, does he have to close his mouth, and is not able to utter a single word for those who believe in His gospel all over the world the whole?

Is Vigilantios living dog is better than a dead lion Paul? I have the right to say so with Ecclesiastes stated that if Paul is dead in spirit, but the fact that the saints do not consider the dead, but said they Racdon. For this reason, it said about Lazarus, who was going to be the second he was asleep (U-11), and prevents the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians of sadness who have fallen asleep (1 Ts 4:13).

Reference: Nicene Post Nicene fathers, Second Series, Volume 6, letter of Jerome against Vigilantius.

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